So did lindy take the safe permanent strain of nzt at the end of the movie limitless? I only ask because when people were on it they seem to be in high definition when on it. She didn't want to take it after the first time and at the end of the movie she was in high definition like eddy was? Maybe it's a stupid question but the way she acted after first dose and at the end she acted differently.
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In the Episode "The Assasination of Eddie Morra" Eddie says some interesting things to Brian that show us how NZT-48 has affected him, since the film. And he sounds like that guy in The Outer Limits that went through the evolution machine and was technically no longer human. Eddie talks like the guy we saw in the movie Limitless for all practical purposes no longer exists, and he asks Brian why he still holds onto his former self. So can we consider that the Eddie from the series is the same person? Obviously he is still interested in manipulating human affairs, but can we know for what ultimate purpose. It's a shame the series didn't get a second season -- would have been fun to see where they went with it.
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- "Naz is put into custody because she is under suspicion of funding terrorists. She had paid a know terrorist to help with the release of her niece from Southeast-Asian pirates. This brings the whole NZT program at the FBI to a halt, and Brian retreats to Naz's home (his new safe house). Together with Naz's daughter, he plans to find a solution using a pill from his stash. They negotiate with the pirates. With Sand's help, they get Naz out of detention."
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